Missions and Mobilization

What is Mobilization Ministry? For years FBG has been dedicated to missions — reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ both locally and internationally. We seek to “mobilize” people in several ways.

Helping people mobilize with the purpose for which they were created, chiefly to know, love and enjoy the one true God.
Helping people mobilize to connect with their neighbors and the nations by loving them well.
Mobilizing people to help others do the first two. In doing this, we are all living on mission. Living on mission means that we are leveraging everything about our lives to help others be able to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Go on a Mission Trip

Serving on a mission trip can be a life-changing experience. When you get outside of your culture and experience how God is at work in a different region, you begin to see His goodness more fully. We partner with two primary entities for our Mission Trips. First the North American Mission Board. This partner mobilizes church members just like you all around North America. Next, we partner with the International Mission Board. Through the IMB, we have the opportunity to partner with missionaries all around the world. All trips are on the table for discussion. Take a look at the resources below and reach out if you have an interest in starting or joining a team on mission.

2025 Trips/Opportunities

Weekend Mission Trip

On April 26-27, we have a special opportunity to support Pillar Church of San Antonio, one of our NAMB church plants, through neighborhood canvassing, children’s programming, and assisting with their Sunday service. This is a great way to serve as a family, as children can work alongside their parents while canvassing and also take part in the children’s activities.

Where: Pillar Church of San Antonio (111 Exeter Place Dr., San Antonio, TX 78253)
When: April 26-27
Who: 8-10 Adults - children welcome with their parents (Adult Participants must successfully complete Ministry Safe Training and a Background Check)

Cost:  $20 per person plus Meals and Lodging (Reserve your room HERE)

This is a powerful way to be the hands and feet of Christ in a growing community. Would you pray about joining us? If you're interested,click the button below. Registration deadline is April 6. 

For more information contact: Pastor Jamey Moore,

Register Here

Goodwater Mission Trip

Where: Goodwater Church, Whitefish, Montana
When: October 2-7, 2025
Who: 10 Adults (must be able to stand/walk continuously for up to 4 hours)

Join in the mission as we work to support one of our NAMB church plants, Goodwater Ministries, as they prepare for their church launch in October. Participants would be responsible for cost of travel, hotel, and meals on this trip.

Registration link for this trip coming soon.

To find out more, sign up for the informational meeting on June 1 immediately after the second service. Register for the information meeting by clicking below.

Register Here

For more information contact: Pastor Jamey Moore,  

Lead a Trip

NAMB Trips

The North American Mission Board focuses on church planting and relief efforts throughout the US and Canada. Short-term teams typically serve alongside local church planting pastors and in local relief ministries. (Passport usually not required.)

IMB Trips

The International Mission Board focuses on a variety of projects and strategies to train pastors and equip ministries internationally. Short-term teams typically take on the role of encouraging and training local churches to fulfill their mission in their home country. (Passport almost always required.)

Propose a Trip

FBG is always looking for more of our people to serve on mission. If there is a NAMB or IMB trip that you would like to propose as a new work, please use this form.

Apply to Go

When we send, we want our church family to be equipped and enabled to go on mission. Applications are reviewed as part of the registration process for trips to ensure that each person who goes receives the support and training they need. To apply, please use this form.

Local Opportunities

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Ministry
Be a part of a team that finds creative ways to share the love of Jesus Christ with local school faculty and staff. For more information contact Luci Whorton, luciwhorton@yahoo.com.
Mentoring in GISD
Encouraging and empowering through intergenerational mentoring experiences. Mentors make a difference in the lives of students in our community. For more information contact Tom Whorton, mentorkids12@gmail.com.
Texas Baptist Men
Texas Baptist Men is a great way to serve both throughout Texas but also around the Nation. They provide training and opportunities to serve those in need when disaster strikes. For more information go to www.tbmtx.org.
Austin Disaster Relief Network
The Austin Disaster Relief Network is a local partner that coordinates many efforts to meet needs in our area of those facing loss from disaster. To get involved visit www.adrn.org.
Faith in Action
This is an opportunity to serve senior adults in our community by driving them to appointments and helping them run errands. For more information head to www.faithinactiongt.org.
Juvenile Detention Center Ministry
Join faithful people engaging teens with the Gospel and weekly Bible studies in the Williamson County Juvenile Detention Center. For more information contact Paula Myers, maymyers@embarqmail.com.

Women on Mission

Women on Mission is a missions discipleship group designed to equip adult women in becoming active disciples of Christ as they live on mission for Him. Women on Mission members seek to live out missions through missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving, and Bible study. The purpose of the organization is to provide every person with the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. Take a look below at some of the ways our Women on Mission group is active at FBG.

Strategic Partnerships

When you tithe, you are supporting missions locally and globally, including the following:

International Mission Board, SBC | North American Mission Board | Graffiti Ministries: New York City and Baltimore | Atlanta Inner City Partnership | Baptist University of the Americas | Baptist Student Ministry at UT | The Caring Place | Children at Heart | Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Williamson County | Brookwood in Georgetown | Pregnancy Help Center | Oak Ridge Disciple House | Hill Country Community Ministries | Gideons International | Faith in Action | Meals on Wheels | Missions in: London, NYC, Vermont, Mali (Africa), Uganda (Africa), Ukraine, Armenia, Atlanta, and various places in Asia.

If you would like to learn more about getting involved in these or other opportunities, please contact Pastor Jamey Moore,  . 

Direct Support

We have several ministry partners that receive regular support from the FBG budget. However, we encourage you to consider giving over and above to help support them in their ministry efforts. To support these individuals, please follow the link to their organization's giving page.

David Griffin | Standing Stone Ministry

David brings over 40 years of ministry experience to his role as a Standing Stone shepherd. He served as a church planter, a lead pastor, and, primarily, as a care pastor on the directional team of a church staff. He has extensive experience as a pastoral counselor and leader of care and recovery ministries. After serving churches throughout his ministry, David is excited to shepherd those who are serving churches and Christian ministries.

David knows what it is to be a pastor struggling with isolation, burnout, ministry failure, habitual sin, and shame. Believing he would have benefitted significantly from having a shepherd, David’s passion is to come alongside pastors to be for them the friend, listener, and encourager he often did not have. David employs his spiritual gift of mercy and his empathetic, compassionate heart in shepherding pastors through one-to-one relationships and through leading small groups of pastors to support each other in authentic community.

Along the way David earned a B.S from Middle Tennessee State University, a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family Counseling from Denver Seminary.

For over 45 years David has been married to Ellen, a retired registered nurse, who has faithfully and sacrificially served alongside David as a ministry partner. David and Ellen are proud grandparents of six grandchildren, and much of their time is devoted to traveling to visit with them.

Though David married a Texan and has lived in Texas for most of his life, he is a native of Tennessee who makes periodic pilgrimages back home to get Hillbilly booster shots. Among his favorite things are fall colors, Dogwood trees in bloom, East Tennessee mountains, Bluegrass music, RVing, college football, and Moon Pies, but being Paw-Paw to six precious grandchildren tops the list.

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